All products are shipped fresh and delivered via UPS 2 day  ground shipping.

All orders must be received by midnight Thursday for shipment the following week.

Orders received by midnight Thursday will be shipped out the following Monday or Tuesday with a maximum of 2 day delivery to insure you receive your meats no late than Friday in time for Shabbat or a weekend party.

The cost of shipping is $19.99 per box for 2 day ground UPS from Chicago.
If you are not within the 2 day ground call 773-973-6925 to discuss a number of options for shipping.

Please note that orders larger than 20 pounds in weight will require a second box, at an additional change.

Each box is packed with industrial freezer packs to insure complete freshness of your order during delivery.

Overnight air shipping is a available. Contact us at 773.973.6925 for details.

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Romanian Kosher Deli Products
Simply the best you can eat. Delivered straight to your door!